- After working with rtk8, I look into rtk7 and it seem very alike. So I dicide to test a bit. It's really interesting though. The image is quite the same with 8 version, so I can reuse the tools. The message use LS11 encode, same with 9 version. The scenario files are encode with 4 mask. So far I already extract all the data, and the game can fully translate to english.
- The nice thing about rtk7 is it can display well without chinese region. unlike 8th version. So the text look better.
- I just make a simple demo. Hope you like it. I will come back with this project when I have time and some people really like it.
- https://mega.nz/file/n6hxGYbb#vTtecNodw0ZlWEJLfRvF4GS5jr-Was0HxIui8eoMrbk
- Run san7.exe . Font bigger, abit overlap
- or run_game.bat (Need to install Locale Emulator, inside the game folder). This way font smaller, more fit, chinese word display correct instead of ??? Can copy chinese to create new Hero.