Wednesday, September 23, 2020

rtk8 puk beta.


  1. Time to release my first beta version. It's not finished. But It show that it works, and with time and patient. It will finish.
  2. Link beta: 
  3. Setup
    1. Extract the zip file, you can run game by San8.exe , but some text will not display correctly.
    2. The game only run correctly in Chinese Window. So we must use a region emulator. 
    3. Run "LEInstaller.exe" file inside folder to install the Region Emulator.
    4. Use run_game.bat to start the game.
    5. Some screenshots.
  4. Hero Rename Tool
    1. Inside game folder
    2. Add new Hero with editable name. Hero can be edit ingame. Then change to long name when you finish.
    3. Convert current name (Use button Make name edit) to Editable name (Short name, max 6 chars). But Hero can be edit in game.
    4. Revert back to long name. (Use button Revert)
    5.  Long name, use abc chars, so cant edit in game.

Friday, September 4, 2020

rtk9puk eng win10

I start with vietnames version first. So there are some vietnamese left here and there. I dont spend much time with this version. So pls feel free to report problems to me.

* Install the game japanese version:

fshare link :

file : RTK9-PK-Jap-por-PC.7z , unzip then run the exe to setup the game

* Install the eng patch. Copy all files into install folder. Ver 1.5

* Install nice avatar from rtk13 : copy 2 grp files into setup folder

run file rtk9_eng .

* If you want to run game in widow mode :

    Run file rtk9_window.reg

* If you want to unlock hidden generals, copy this save file into save folder :

* If you want to create custom general. Run this tool :

* If you wan to unlock all Hidden Scenarios :

    When install the game tick this options : 

Copy the general file into folder : C:\Users\xxx\Documents\Koei\San9 TC\TPrsn

Report problem to me :